Universal Law
Understanding natural law is the highest form of intelligence to strive towards. Because natural law is fundamental to all reality. It means understanding from a neutral and unbiased perspective. In other words, understanding natural law requires seeing things as they really are.
Seeing things with true understanding is to see what is natural and real. In contrast, false understanding is thinking all man-made beliefs, laws and ideals are equal to natural law.
Two Types Of Laws
There are two types of laws. Man-made laws and natural laws. Although you can violate man-made laws, you cannot violate natural laws.
Natural laws can be divided into physical laws and mental laws. In general, physical laws can be proven in controlled experiments. Mental laws can only be proven by experience.
Mental laws directly affect your success through cause and effect. Therefore, it is important to understand these laws and integrate them into everything you do.
Self-discipline demands you take control of your thinking. To control your life requires you must control your thoughts. Important to note, your mind is the only thing you have 100% control over. The following list of laws will help you better control your mind for maximum success.
The Law Of Control
The law of control states that you feel positive about yourself to the degree you control your life. In contrast, you feel negative about yourself to the degree you do not control your life.
In fact, in psychology this law is also called the locus of control theory You either have an internal or external locus of control.
Internal Locus Of Control: believe you have control over conditions, circumstances and situations in your life
External Locus Of Control: believe you do not control conditions, circumstances and situations in your life
With an internal locus of control, you feel you’re in control of your own life. In contrast, a person with an external locus of control feels they are in control over their life. Obviously, a self-improvement and success oriented person will have an internal locus of control.
The Law Of Cause And Effect
The law of cause and effect states for every effect in nature there is a specific cause. In that case, there are specific causes of success and there are specific causes of failure.
If there is certain effect that you want in your life, then you must find (and act on) the cause of that effect. In addition, if there is a certain effect you do not want in your life, then you must find (and stop acting on) the cause of that effect.
To emphasize, be careful of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
In fact, thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Consequently, your thoughts are the main causes of the conditions in your life. At any point, your life is the sum total of your thoughts.
The Law Of Belief
The law of belief states whatever you believe to be true becomes your reality. Furthermore, the stronger (emotionally) your positive belief, the more likely it (positive expectancy) will bring positive results.
In contrast, if you believe success is out of your control, then you will quit when things become difficult. Truly, your beliefs set you up for either success or failure.
To adapt and change in life, you must nurture optimistic beliefs. In addition, a positive mental attitude helps create a positive future. This attitude enables you to respond positively and constructively to life.
Finally, you must work to overcome self-limiting beliefs. Because self-limiting beliefs hold you back from positive change. Whatever you consistently believe will eventually become your reality. Accordingly, negative beliefs will always bring negative outcomes.
For this reason, if you want a successful life, then you must grow and increase your positive beliefs. In other words, you must expect you will achieve your aspirations and goals.
The Law Of Expectations
The law of expectations states that whatever you expect becomes your reality. In fact, your expectations influence the beliefs and behaviors of others. In addition, your expectations influence outcomes and situations to work out as you expect.
Consequently, success requires positive attitude and positive expectancy. To be successful, you must expect to be successful. In contrast, unsuccessful people have negative attitudes and negative expectations.
Sources of expectations that influence.
- First, yourself
- Second, parents or guardians
- Third, family and friends
- Fourth, teachers, authority figures and acquaintances
- Fifth, society (media, culture, propaganda, etc.)
As an adult, the most important source of expectations comes from yourself (self-expectation). You create your own mental set of expectations. In fact, your expectations have the power to override negative situations in your life.
Another key point, you have influence on the attitude, behaviors and performance of people around you. The more important you are their life, the more powerful your expectations affect them. For this reason, you must strive to empower those around you.
The Law Of Attraction
The law of attraction states that you attract life situations in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Furthermore, your life to this point is the result of the sum of your past thoughts.
For this reason, you must think with strong emotion about outcomes you want in your life. If you are clear on what you want, then you will attract (create) these conditions into your life.
Truly, you can change your dominant thoughts through consistent practice. Discipline yourself by thinking about what you want. In contrast, to thinking about what you do not want.
The Law of Correspondence
The law of correspondence states that your outer state is a reflection of your inner state. Consequently, you can understand your mental state by looking at your outside conditions. The following list shows some law of correspondence examples.
Inner State: focused, disciplined, clear minded, self-aware, success conscious, positive attitude, inner locus of control
Outer State: strong and healthy body, clean and organized living conditions, happy and fulfilling relationships, productive and purpose driven
Inner State: unfocused, undisciplined, absent minded, delusional, negative attitude, victim mentality (external locus of control)
Outer State: weak and unhealthy body, disorganized living conditions, unhealthy relationships, no purpose, disagreeable personality
How you relate to the world corresponds to the person you are inside. In fact, the outer conditions of your life will align with your thinking patterns (mindsets). Similarly, people will respond to you in reflection to your attitude and behavior towards them.
To change your outer conditions, you must change your inner state (yourself). In other words, to see different results, your thoughts and actions must correspond with those results. Positive change requires a corresponding change of inner state.
The Law Of Mental Equivalency
The law of mental equivalency states that thoughts objectify themselves. Moreover, your thoughts and mental images repeated with emotion become your reality. For this reason, your actions follow your thought process. You become what you think. Change your thinking to change your life. Certainly, positive change will come from clear thinking.
Clear thinking is fundamental to success. Align with positive cause and effect by thinking in a clear and positive way. Surely, expect positive outcomes. Consequently, you will attract positive people and situations equivalent to your expectations.
To change your life, you must change your thinking. Create the mental equivalent of what you want to experience in your reality.
In conclusion, the essence of right perception is knowing that man-made beliefs and laws have no bearing on reality. In other words, man-made beliefs and concepts are made up.
Only natural law is true. Natural law defines everything in the Universe. In fact, it always rules over man-made law. Consequently, you must align your thoughts and actions with natural law. Because all cause and effect comes from natural law, not man made law.
To clarify, man-made law has no power over natural law. To harness the order of the Universe, you must follow natural law.
When you understand and follow natural law, you can take complete control of your life. This control will result in the achievement of whatever you want (desire).
Conscious-Subconscious Mind Illustration
Your conscious-subconscious minds are two levels of the whole Mind. Understanding the conscious-subconscious minds will help you organize your mind. As a result, you can direct your mental effort to align with your Vision.
Conscious-Subconsciousness Minds Illustration

The Conscious Mind Is The Lowest Level Of Mind
The conscious mind manages the executive functions of Mind. Further, it is the part that thinks and reasons. It deals with mental control and self regulation. Below is a list of executive functions.
- Self-awareness
- Self-control
- Emotional control
- Behavioral control
- Situational awareness (the ability to shift tasks)
- Activity initiation
- Working memory
- Planning and organization (mental and environmental
Your conscious mind is the control center of the Mind. In fact, it directs your focus and mental effort. Consequently, your objective must be to direct your conscious mind to the achievement of your goals. In addition, consistently redirect your conscious mind back to focus. This will develop a disciplined mind and bring positive results.
The Subconscious Mind Is The Power Center Of Your Mind
The subconscious mind manages mind-body functions automatically. It defines your mindsets, attitude, beliefs, values and motivation. Consequently, you must program your subconscious mind in alignment with your goals. Because your fundamental mindset determines your habitual thoughts and actions.
You must make rewiring you subconscious the main priority in life. Because your subconscious is precise how it executes its tasks. It will execute negative programming as easily as positive programming. For this reason, direct maximum effort into reprogramming a positive mindset.
Use strict daily routines to develop positive habits and behaviors.
Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Through Your Conscious Mind
Your level of success and how you experience life represent your subconscious state. The degree of attitude, clarity, focus and motivation are signals that define your subconscious state. In that case, use your conscious mind to monitor these signals. In fact, use your self awareness to monitor mindset and adjust accordingly.
The subconscious is conditioned through environmental exposure. For example words, concepts, situations and suggestions in your environment influence your subconscious. Accordingly, seek positive environmental influences to condition your subconscious.
Associate with positive people and circumstances to make this happen. In addition, use positive media (books, videos, mp3s) to develop a growth mindset. Think, speak and act positively to further condition your subconscious. Practice consistently every day. Because you must set positive habits through repetition. Be precise, strict and disciplined. Decide and commit now.
In conclusion, use both your conscious-subconscious minds to achieve your goals. Reprogramming your subconscious mind is fundamental to success. The conscious mind is the tool to make this happen. Because the conscious mind enables your self-awareness to monitor thoughts and actions. Consequently, through self-awareness you can remove negative conditioning and add positive conditioning.
More Conscious-Subconscious Mind Points
The mental mastery system for maximum success explains how to organize your thoughts to fulfill your Vision. There are 3 points to summarize the system.
- Your reality is a mental construct
- The subconsciousness mind is your superprocesor
- To succeed you must harness the subconscious
To begin with, there is a way to harness the subconscious.
- First, learn to control your conscious mind, then your subconscious mind
- Second, learn methods to program your subconscious mind
Do not underestimate the power of harnessing the subconscious mind, because it is the secret to success.
Your Mental Superprocessor
The subconscious mind is the superprocessor of your mind. In fact, it controls most functions of your body. For example, your breathing, your digestion, walking, reading and other autonomic functions.
To change your life you must reprogram the subconscious. Subconscious programming ultimately overrides willpower.
How To Define The Mental Mastery System
The Mental Mastery System describes fundamental laws of the mind. In general, your mind is bound by certain laws (similar to scientific law). Consequently, to master causality requires understanding these mental laws.
To achieve specific results, the conscious and subconscious minds must be mastered. Most people fail because of negative subconscious programming (mental blocks). These mental blocks can be released by using your mind correctly.
Understanding the mental laws that govern your mind will allow you to achieve mental mastery. As a result, you can set a successful life path, which fulfills your purpose (Vision).
Important Point #1: Nothing will change in your life until you control your conscious mind and send new signals to your subconscious mind.
Important Point #2: To change the direction of your life, you must change your subconscious programming.
Control The Mind And Unlock The Subconscious For Success
Increased mind power comes from a controlled mind. In other words, thoughts are aligned with a controlled mind. In addition, more energy can flow to focus with a controlled mind.
A controlled mind allows the subconscious to be accessed and reprogrammed. Consequently, more mind power is available to be directed on task.
Mental control = Mind power = Maximum success. The more mind power you have available the higher potential for success.
By controlling your conscious and subconscious minds, you can direct more mental effort to your goals.
Control The Mind And Program The Subconscious For Success
Concentrate on controlling your mind by sending the right signals to the subconscious. As a result, you will access increased mind power. Do not waste mental energy trying to control external things.
Key point: To clarify, all effort is directed to controlling your mind. A controlled mind = right signals = mental organization = mental power
How To Define The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind governs the majority of your life. In fact, it directs most human processes. For example, reading, driving, talking, walking, sleeping are all influenced by the subconscious.
If your conscious mind had to do everything, then you would grind to a stand still. The subconscious mind allows the body to operate automatically.
Certainly, the subconscious mind improves our efficiency by forming behaviors and habits. For this reason, it is important to define and implement strategic habits and routines.
Important Points About Your Mind
You have complete control of your mind.
In fact, it is the only aspect of life you have total control over. Do not let your mind control you and let outside influences control you. To clarify, control your mind to organize it for success.
You can reprogram and train your mind.
Although your mind may presently be undisciplined and unfocused. It can be trained to be more concentrated, disciplined, focused and powerful. In other words, your mind can achieve higher performance with training.
You must consistently discipline and train your mind.
Because your body seeks homeostasis, you must give continuous effort to control your mind. Maintain self-awareness at all times.
Additionally, strive to positively program your mind. In contrast, to allowing negative programming from external sources (friends, family, media etc.).
Key Point: The secret to mental mastery is to take full possession of your mind. In other words, learn to access and control your conscious and subconscious minds.
Important Points For Further Clarification
- Generally, the subconscious mind is beyond conscious awareness. It governs body functions automatically to conserve mental energy.
- The subconscious mind is a superprocessor that defines actions, beliefs, behaviors and emotions. For this reason, it can be programmed through right thought and action.
- Mental control = Positive Subconscious Programming = Maximum Success
- For maximum success you must access and control the subconscious to program it for success.
- A controlled mind has clarity and focus, with no pointless thought. Further, a controlled mind is a fully functioning mind.
- Conscious – Controlled thinking → Subconscious – Right Signals = Higher Mental Potential
- Your actions, thoughts, behaviors and habits define the subconscious mind. Reprogramming your subconscious is fundamental to change.
Mental Mastery System For Maximum Success – Conclusion
To change your life takes mental change. In fact, you must change the subconscious aspects of mind. Sending the right signals to the subconscious will result in certain life circumstances and situations.
Further, your conscious and subconscious programming defines your life. As a result, changing this programming changes the circumstances, possibilities and situations available to you.